Mahsi cho for visiting my website!
My name is Miranda Currie. I am a northern indigenous multi-disciplinary artist living in Sombek’e, Denedeh, more colonially known as Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, among the Dene people. I live in a small cabin on the shores of the Great Slave Lake with my two Canadian Inuit sled dogs, Niyanin and Ellesmere.
I was born and raised in Thunder Bay, Ontario. My Mom is Mushkegowuk (Swampy Cree) and we are members of Opaskwayak Cree Nation (OCN) in Manitoba. My Dad is a 2nd generation Canadian of English and Scottish decent. Camping, canoeing, fishing, swimming and berry picking with my extended family were always the highlight of my summer. Fall meant chopping the cords of wood needed to get through winter. Yet winter brought good memories too, cross country skiing with my cousins and snowmobiling with my brother. Winter was a great time for sewing, crafting, baking and practicing music that I loved so much!
In my teens I was lucky to be able to travel to Winnipeg and Minneapolis with my school band and orchestra. I even travelled to Europe with my Pathfinder group. We fundraised through bake sales, car washes and selling chocolate bars, which taught me the value of hard work, while the travel experiences opened my eyes to the world outside my home. I am grateful to my parents for having the foresight to allow me those opportunities. I continued to travel and live internationally while pursuing my education. I lived in Switzerland, New Zealand and South Korea. I was the first in my family to complete a post-secondary degree and later went on to obtain my teaching degree from Queen’s University.
In 2011, I suffered a traumatic brain injury from a kite skiing accident on the Great Slave Lake. It changed the trajectory of my life, and at first, not for the better. I’ve lived through chronic pain and depression and I am happy to be on the other side of that journey. I have embraced my neuro-diversity and though I still live with some residuals of that event, most days you would never know.
These days I am busy running my business CuRiouS CoNNectionS; making music, writing scripts, teaching kids and pitching films. My goal is to create authentic northern indigenous content that is accessible to children and families. I feel extremely lucky to do the work that I do, and I thank you for following my work. I hope you enjoy the website. If you have any questions or comments send me a note in the contact box at the bottom of the page.
With Gratitude,
Miranda Currie